Tighten Your Inner Thighs with These Simple Tips
To target the adductor muscles and glutes, keep your stance wide, with toes pointed out on wide angle. Squat down, put most weight of your body on your heels, and lower yourself until your thighs and the floor become parallel. When doing this, you should feel a bit of tension in your butt and legs.
Return to the standing position by pushing yourself back up off the heels and repeat the process. You can hold dumbbells at the sides of your body or place a barbell and rest it at the back of the shoulders to improve the resistance.
Step Up with Step-Ups
Step-ups are another exercise you can add to your routine to help tighten your inner thighs since these can target almost all of the lower body’s muscles, including the gluteus maximus muscles and the adductor magnus muscles.

Stand facing a platform or step, with your feet at shoulder-width apart, keeping your shoulders back and your back straight.