Corrective glasses for men

Caring for Your Corrective Glasses the Right Way

If you wear your eyeglasses for several hours or all throughout the day, their lenses can easily pick up fingerprints, dust, and other forms of grime that might compromise your vision. The best way to protect your lenses is to clean the glasses properly the moment you notice them getting dirty.

Corrective glasses for woman
Corrective glasses for comfortable computer work

Here are some tips for general cleaning of your glasses:

  1. Get a cleaning solution and spray it on the lens before you wipe them. It is more likely for dry lenses to incur scratches because of dust and many other particles. Never use your breath or spit to wet the lenses since spit will only leave behind bacteria on it while moisture doesn’t offer enough moisture. 
  2. The primary tool you can use for cleaning your glasses is microfiber cloth. Don’t use abrasive cleaning cloths such as clothing or paper towels.
  3. Allow the lenses to air dry first before you put back on your corrective glasses

Here are the steps for occasional deep cleaning of your eyeglasses. 

  1. Rinse your glasses using tap water that is a bit warmer or at room temperature. 
  2. Use a lotion-free and gentle cleaning solution for washing the lenses. Put just a few drops to ensure that there are no soap residues left on the lenses. 
  3. Wash the lenses to get rid of any soap and check if there were any missed spots. Repeat the steps above if your eyeglasses are still dirty. If the glasses already look clean, remove any water residue with a lint-free towel.
  4. Allow your eyeglasses to air dry properly in a safe spot. 

There might be times when you will need to clean your eyeglasses fast while you are away from home so make sure you have some cleaning tools with you all the time. 

Some types of Crulle glasses, like those pairs that feature specialized lens coatings, might need specific care. Make sure that you always follow the cleaning tips given by your optometrist. 

Tips for Storing Your Glasses 

The way you store your glasses when you are not using them can affect how well the frame and lenses hold up over time. Here are some important dos and don’ts to remember to ensure safe storage of your glasses. 

How to take care of glasses

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