Website for storing digital currencies hosted code with a sneaky backdoor
A website that bills itself as providing a safer way to store Bitcoin and other digital currencies has been using a coding sleight of hand to generate private keys that …
Google bots shut down Baltimore officials’ ransomware-workaround Gmail accounts
In the wake of the ransomware attack that has kept city networks and infrastructure shut down now for over two weeks, Baltimore officials—including …
Fake cryptocurrency apps on Google Play try to profit on bitcoin price surge
Google’s official Play Store has been caught hosting malicious apps that targeted Android users with an interest in cryptocurrencies, researchers reported on Thursday.
In all, researchers with security provider ESET …
Comcast does so much lobbying that it says disclosing it all is too hard
Comcast may be harming its reputation by failing to reveal all of its lobbying activities, including its involvement …
Why a Windows flaw patched nine days ago is still spooking the Internet
It has been nine days since Microsoft patched the high-severity vulnerability known …
Serial publisher of Windows 0-days drops exploits for 3 more unfixed flaws
A serial publisher of Microsoft zeroday vulnerabilities has dropped exploit code for three more unpatched flaws, marking the seventh time the unknown person has done so in the past year.…
Amazon made video games for its workers to reduce tedium of warehouse jobs
Amazon has created video games that its warehouse workers can “play” while they fill customer orders …
Democratic Party’s network security still lags behind GOP, researchers find
WannaCry? Hundreds of US schools still haven’t patched servers
If you’re wondering why ransomware continues to be such a problem for state and local governments and other …