Beeswax Melter Alternatives
Beeswax is a very popular product used in lotions, soaps, balms, and even candles. This is also easy to come by even for those who are not beekeepers. Most craft store chains offer these products throughout the year and they are also readily available from suppliers online.
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How do you safely melt a block of beeswax?
While beekeepers use a specialized beeswax melter for this procedure, there are still other popular methods used to melt this natural product and these include crock pot, double boiler, and solar energy.

Crock Pot
It is possible to control the temperature with most of the crock pots you can find today. Wax is first placed in the container that will be put in the crock. Remember that this is an important step especially if you cook your food in the crock pot. Beeswax may be a bit difficult to get rid of completely. You need to turn on the unit at a low setting then allow the beeswax to melt slowly.
Double Boiler
Partially fill the double boiler’s bottom pan then put the top pan above. Put the beeswax inside the pan on top. Turn the stove on to medium low heat then wait for the beeswax to melt. When the wax starts to melt, ensure that the bottom pan doesn’t burn dry. It will quickly increase the temperature of the wax to the extent that it will burn or reach the flash point.
When you speak of flash point, this is the point when the beeswax will start to flame and burn up. It is the main reason why the beeswax should never be left unattended during the process of melting.
Solar Energy
The third method involves using a solar oven. You can build or buy one, whichever you prefer. You don’t need anything fancy as long as it is big enough to accommodate the container with the beeswax. Your chosen device must also be able to retain or hold heat without getting too hot to the extent that the wax will reach the flash point or scorch.