Check out Batman’s and Marty McFly’s rides at the Petersen Museum
The BTTF DeLorean DMC-12 has actually been on display at the Petersen for a while now. That doesn’t make it any less cool. [credit: The Petersen Museum ]
A new exhibition will open shortly at Los Angeles’ wonderful Petersen
Mass Flywheel
While the primary mass rotates in a manner that is integral to the engine, the other mass, which would be secondary, rotates in a damping manner and uniformly to the transmission, which is joined by means of a damping system …
Looking for a good board game?
Nowadays is easy to find bars and cafes catering to the needs of this new trend followers, offering an extremely wide selection of tabletop games, up to 800 hundreds of them in certain locals. Rest assure that board games are …
Bug in French government’s WhatsApp replacement let anyone join Élysée chats
Loose online lips sink hack targeting governments and embassies
Security researchers gave mixed grades to a recently discovered hacking campaign targeting government finance authorities and embassies. On the one hand, the attacks used carefully crafted decoy documents to trick …
Millimeter-wave 5G will never scale beyond dense urban areas, T-Mobile says
5G mobile networks have started arriving but only in very limited areas and amidst misleading claims by wireless carriers.
While all four major …
Tesla has three of the 11 most popular cars shared on Turo

Enlarge (credit: Turo)
In honor of Earth Day, the folks at Turo got in touch to tell me about the rising popularity of electric vehicles on the car sharing platform. For the uninitiated, Turo is a site that lets people
A Model S burst in flames in a parking lot, Tesla will investigate

Enlarge / Smoke billows out from under a Tesla Model S shortly before it erupted into flames in a parking garage in Shanghai, China, on April 21st. (credit: Weibo)
Tesla is sending an investigative team to a Shanghai parking garage