Elon Musk: “Anyone relying on lidar is doomed.” Experts: Maybe not

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Lots of companies are working to develop self-driving cars. And almost all of them use lidar, a type of sensor that uses lasers to build a three-dimensional map of the world around the car.
Microsoft catches Russian state hackers using IoT devices to breach networks
Hackers working for the Russian government have been using printers, video decoders, and other so-called Internet-of-things devices as a beachhead to …
8chan is all the way down—“It’s DNS. It’s always DNS.”
Earlier today in the Ars Technica staff Slack channel, a call went out—”is 8chan down for other people? I can’t …
Ransomware, “wiper” malware attacks have more than doubled, IBM team says
Barr says the US needs encryption backdoors to prevent “going dark.” Um, what?
Navy pilot dead after crash in “Star Wars Canyon” in Death Valley [Updated]
Apple and Google temporarily stop listening to Siri and OK Google queries
Apple workers have stopped listening to Siri queries worldwide, the company said this week. Apple plans to bring …
What I learned about cars watching all 8 Fast & Furious movies in 4 days

Enlarge / LOOKS LIKE THEM DUKE BOYS ARE AT IT AGAIN (credit: Universal Pictures)
As of last week, I had never seen any movies in the Fast & Furious franchise. I probably missed the first one in 2001 because