User Tips for Heat Pumps for Radiator Heating

Many homeowners have been installing heat pumps for radiator heating. This is not a big surprise considering that they offer the most efficient and effective way to keep your home warm and cozy. 

If you have ever decided to invest in this unit, or you are planning to get one soon, here are some helpful tips on how to make the most out of your heat pump. 

Don’t Use Auto Mode in Winter and Summer 

Heat pumps have an auto mode that lets them decide whether to cool or heat the space. However, most of the time, it doesn’t know what is best. 

To ensure that the unit doesn’t accidentally produce air conditioning while you are using your wood stove or during sunny days in the middle of winter, don’t use Auto mode and use Heat mode instead. 

Similarly, to prevent accidentally heating your home on a cool night during summer, don’t use Auto in the summer and use Fan, Dry, or Cool.

User Tips for Heat Pumps
Helpful tips on how to make the most out of your heat pump. 

Keep the Dust Filters Clean

Heat pumps for radiator heating work in their best performance when their dust filters are kept clean. Make sure that you rinse or vacuum the dust filters every time they get visibly dirty or whenever the indicator light turns on. 

How often you clean your heat pump can range from a few weeks to even months, depending on the volume of dust and frequency of usage. You can refer to the user manual to learn the steps on how to take out the filters.

Heat pumps offer the most efficient and effective way to keep your home warm and cozy.

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